The effects of the length of alkyl-chain, the polar group and the number of carboxyl group on rust-inhibiting properties and solubility were investigated in systematically. 合成并研究了水溶性有机羧酸醇铵盐类防锈剂,系统地考察了烷链的长度、极性基团、羧基的个数对防锈性能和溶解度的影响。
Results Arsenic could inhibit the extruding of the first polar body, reduce the quality and the viability of oocyte and lower the rate of IVF, but only little impact on the germinal vesicle breakdown ( GVBD) and the number of oocytes after induction of ovulation. 结果As2O3对小鼠卵母细胞生发泡破裂、超排卵的卵母细胞数目没有影响,但可以抑制卵母细胞第一极体的释放,降低体外受精率和卵母细胞的存活率。
The polar mesosphere in summer is host to a number of fascinating geophysical phenomena that are primarily caused by its extreme thermal structure. 建立了该盆地西、中、东三个不同区块典型的盆地地壳结构图。极区中层在夏季发生许多有趣的地球物理学现象,主要受该区域极其特殊的热力学结构的影响。
For the break-up of the polar vortex in the 100 hPa, the main contribution is the upward transfer of the energy of wave number two from the troposphere and the second contribution is the nonlinear interactions between the waves. 对于100hPa极涡分裂过程,对流层2波能量的大量上传是主要因素,其次是波与波非线性相互作用的影响。
The flight data computing drag polar ( C_y ≤ 0.3) is got mainly from dynamic flight ( altitude 3~ 12 km, Mach number 0.8,0.9, 1.2,1.8). 主要通过动态飞行获得飞机极曲线(Cy≤0.3)的飞行数据.飞行条件:高度为3~12km;
A new-style Particle Swarm Optimization ( PSO) algorithm was explained based on polar coordination system and complex number operation, which was named as Polar coordination PSO ( short in PPSO), and the detailed mathematic description of PPSO was also given. 提出了一种新的基于极坐标复运算的粒子群优化算法(PSO),命名为极坐标粒子群优化算法(PPSO),并在文中进行期详细的数学描述。
Results showed that only carbon atoms located far from the polar groups of PA pour point depressants participated in crystallization, and those carbon number of alkyl side chains about three fourth the average carbon number of the wax in crudes, i. 结果表明,PA降凝剂的侧链上只有远离极性基团的碳原子能够参与结晶。
The results show that the model of polar shift and its complex number wavelet transform have some periodic variation. 结果表明:极移的模值以及小波变换的模值都有某种周期的变化。
From 1961 to 2006, polar vortex area in the northern hemisphere decreased, and the polar vortex area index was positively correlated with the number of stong wind days. 1961年到2006年,北半球极涡面积呈减少趋势,极涡面积指数与东北地区大风日数呈正相关。
Large macromolecular chain with the side groups, strongly polar substituents, the more number of side groups in the movement chain can significantly increase the friction, then significantly improve the damping effect. 大分子链上有大的侧基、强极性取代基团、较多数目的侧基都会使链段运动的内摩擦能明显增加,从而显著提高阻尼作用。
Just to referring to the nonlinear response, the electro-optic ( EO) coefficient value of the polar polymer which has been synthesized had already gone beyond higher than the number which inorganic crystal could obtained. 现在已经报道的极化聚合物材料,就非线性光学响应来说,已经远远超出了无机晶体所能达到的数值。
Firstly, the length of alkyl carbon chain, the polar group and the kinds of monomers are ensured according to analyzing the composition of the crude oil 、 the carbon number and the work mechanism of PPD. 首先根据原油的组成、蜡的碳数以及降凝作用机理确定聚合物的烷基碳链长度、极性基团和单体种类。